More Space For Your Freedom
Simplify Your Digital Life
Volla Tablet
Experience top-notch privacy and simplicity with a Google-free device. Powered by Volla OS, it offers a clutter-free, smarter digital life with enhanced data protection. Navigate, communicate, and explore securely and simply.
Launching April 2024 on Kickstarter!
Sign up to receive exclusive updates and special launch discounts.
Unmatched Features
Google-Free Privacy |
Experience unparalleled privacy without Google services.
Advanced Security Mode |
Block trackers and malware with comprehensive app and domain controls.
Private Speech Recognition |
Cloud-independent for secure, confidential interactions.
Intuitive Volla Launcher |
Smart interface with live results and direct feature access.
Seamless App Switching |
Effortlessly switch apps with a tap for enhanced productivity.
Live Content Widgets |
Stay updated with real-time information on your home screen.
Organized Digital Life |
Smart app collections and quick access to favorites.
Ubuntu Touch |
Install Ubuntu Touch for an alternative OS option.
The Hardware
Slim lightweight
Spacious 12.3 inch Quad HD display
Attachable keyboard
Powerful Mediatek Gaming G99 8-core processor
12 GB RAM with 256 GB internal storage
13+5 MP main camera (AF,FF) and 5 MP front camera
Long-lasting 10,000 mAh battery
2G/3G/4G cellular network support + Wifi + Bluetooth
Discover the Future of Tablets
The Volla Tablet is more than just a device; it's a statement. A statement of prioritizing security without sacrificing simplicity and efficiency. With its sleek design, powerful features, and commitment to privacy, the Volla Tablet is your gateway to a smarter, safer digital life.
Heard of Us?
In 2020, we launched the first Volla Phone through crowdfunding. It was a huge success. Since then, we have shipped thousands of Volla Phones to users in over 55 countries worldwide. We have also established a growing community: 10+ community projects, a hardware platform for 60+ developers and companies, and 3 community days with 200+ participants at the last count.

With the Volla Tablet, we plan to keep growing and improving.

Learn more about Volla on our website.
Launching April 2024 on Kickstarter!
Sign up to receive exclusive updates and special launch discounts.
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